News & Events

Upcoming event: Technical launch of the online tool for the criteria list
“Planning the expansion of renewable energies in a way that is compatible with biodiversity and the landscape”
In spring 2024, the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) published a list of criteria that can be used to identify suitable, low-conflict areas for solar and wind power plants. Since then, ETH researchers in collaboration with SPEED2ZERO developed an online tool that can spatially display the criteria based on available data sets. The tool allows data sets for the criteria list to be selected, weighted and graphically overlaid. The tool was tested by potential users (representatives from the cantons and energy suppliers) and their concerns and suggestions for improvement were implemented where possible. The tool will be further developed until the end of 2025 and is now at a stage where it can already be very useful for interested parties.
The tool will be presented in an online event on Tuesday, 28 January 2025, 13:30-14:30. After the event the tool will be made available for use.
Zoom link:
Language: German
Contributors: Urs Neu, Lea Reusser, Sascha Ismail, Marc Reusser, Jonas Schwab, Petra Sieber

Event: 9. Consortium Meeting – The final products @ETH Zurich
On 26 November 2024, the 9th SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting took place at ETH Zurich. The meeting was devoted to the products of the project. Several researchers across disciplines pitched ideas for potential synthesis products for stakeholders, building on research conducted within the project. Furthermore, in group discussions the feasability of these ideas were discussed. Stay tuned to learn more about the SPEED2ZERO final products.
We thank all researchers for their active participation in the meeting!

Event: ETH-Klimarunde 2024
On 29 October 2024, the Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM), in collaboration with the Energy Science Center (ESC), held its annual Klimarunde at ETH Zurich. This year’s theme was “Climate-Energy-Biodiversity: For a sustainable and resilient future”, which is aligned with the research work of the Speed2Zero and PATHFNDR projects. The event was open to the public and included presentations, panel and table discussions with scientists and representatives from the private and public sectors.
You can find more information about the event on the C2SM website.

Event: 8. Consortium Meeting – Natural hazards! @SLF Davos
On 9 September 2024, the 8th SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting took place at SLF in Davos. Researchers shared insights on their work on natural hazards and the impact to the environment. Highlights included a tour of SLF’s cold chambers, a demonstration of drone applications for photovoltaics, and a group hike to conclude the day.
A big thank you to the researchers for their contributions and to the SLF team for hosting us!

Event: 7. Consortium Meeting – Synthesis, Integration, and Outreach @ETH Zurich
On 27 May 2024, the 7th SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting took place at ETH Zurich, focusing on synthesis, integration, and outreach efforts within and beyond the project. Researchers shared insights and discussed their contributions to the project’s final products.
A big thank you to all participants for their valuable input!

Event: 6. Consortium Meeting – Energy! @ETH Zurich
On 29 January 2024, the 6th SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting on the topic of energy with interfaces to climate and biodiversity took place at ETH Zurich. Several researchers presented their work in the form of short presentations and a World Café was held to discuss the challenges Switzerland faces in the energy transition and how SPEED2ZERO contributes to the energy transition.
The consortium compiled 3 Key Facts on how we can build a resilient energy system in Switzerland.
We thank all researchers for their active participation in the meeting!

Event: 5. Consortium Meeting – Buildings! @Empa
On 27 November 2023, the 5th consortium meeting on the building sector took place at Empa, followed by a tour of the NEST building in Dübendorf.
The consortium compiled 3 Key Facts on the role of the building sector in the energy transition and climate protection.
We would like to thank all speakers and participants for their active participation in the event and look forward to continuing the great collaboration in the SPEED2ZERO team in 2024!

Event: SPEED2ZERO @Scientifica
How are climate, energy and biodiversity connected? Our panellists discussed this topic with the general public at the Science Café on 3 September 2023. Interesting and critical questions were asked and the resulting dialogue between science and society was the aim of this event.
We would like to thank all visitors for their active participation, our panellists: Marina Gonzalez Vaya, Jonas Savelsberg, Philipp Brun and Dominik Schumacher for their valuable contributions and Gianfranco Guidati for moderating the event!

Event: 4. Consortium Meeting – Climate! @ETH Zurich
On 31 August 2023, the 4th SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting on the topic of climate with interfaces to energy and biodiversity took place. During the meeting, fundamental questions such as the following were discussed:
What does net zero mean
How do we achieve net zero?
What challenges do we face in this regard in Switzerland?
We would like to thank Prof. Reto Knutti and Prof. Sonia Seneviratne for their valuable contributions and all attendees for their active participation!

Event: 3. Consortium Meeting – Biodiversity! @WSL
On 3 July 2023, the 3rd SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting was held at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and was dedicated to the topic of biodiversity with interfaces to climate and energy. At the meeting, the challenges facing biodiversity in Switzerland were discussed and how these challenges can be addressed in the project. The biodiversity initiative was also discussed in order to link the project with political events in Switzerland.
We would like to thank Prof. Niklaus Zimmermann for his valuable input and all those present for their active participation!

Event: SPEED2ZERO Perspective – Prof. Katharine Hayhoe
On 26 June 2023, the first lecture in the SPEED2ZERO event series “Perspective” took place. We had the privilege to welcome Katharine Hayhoe, Professor at Texas Tech University and Chief Scientist at The Nature Conservancy at ETH. The highlights of her talk “Using data to change people’s views on climate change” can be found here.
We would like to thank Prof. Hayhoe for an inspiring talk!

Event: 2. Consortium Meeting @ETH Zurich
On 22 May 2023, the 2nd SPEED2ZERO consortium meeting took place. As part of the meeting, individual work package cards were created so that the link between the participants’ own research work and the objectives of SPEED2ZERO could be established.
Many thanks to all participants!

Event: SPEED2ZERO Kick-off @ETH Zurich
On 6 March 2023, the SPEED2ZERO kick-off / 1st consortium meeting took place. The objectives of the project were discussed, how the expectations of the project should be addressed and the stakeholders involved. Possible interfaces between the areas of energy, climate and biodiversity were discussed during the World Cafés.
We would like to thank all speakers and participants for their contributions and look forward to a great collaboration over the next three years!
© 2023 SPEED2ZERO Joint Initiative