Research Areas

Sustainable energy systems and
carbon negative materials
- Quantification of the renewable energy supply
- Assessment of carbon-negative materials for the building sector
- Evaluation of carbon capture and storage potential
Ingo Burgert
Massimo Filippini
Michael Lehning
Giovanni Sansavini
Larissa Schefer
Arno Schlüter
Tobias Schmidt
Jannis Wernery
Stefan Wiemer

Biodiversity risks for different climate and
land/water-use scenarios
Projection of aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity
Assessment of risks for biodiversity under climate and land/water use changes
Development of measures to maximise biodiversity conservation
Florian Altermatt
Nina Buchmann
Catherine Graham
Francesca Pellicciotti
Loïc Pellissier
Nadine Salzmann
Jürg Schweizer
Sonia Seneviratne
Massimiliano Zappa
Niklaus Zimmermann

Climate scenarios, compound events and
impacts on climate-resilient energy systems
- Development of machine learning based climate analytics and storylines
- Analysis of energy systems and biodiversity resilience under extreme events
- Evaluation of climate and weather extremes on society
André Bardow
David Bresch
Gabriel Hug
Reto Knutti
Michael Lehning
Nicolai Meinshausen
Fernando Perez-Cruz
Nadine Salzmann
Giovanni Sansavini
Christian Schaffner
Jürg Schweizer
Massimiliano Zappa

Synthesis, integration and outreach
- Development of a pathway integration platform
- Identification of finance and policy instruments
- Synthesis and outreach of results
Florian Altermatt
Kay Axhausen
Christian Bauer
Thomas Bernauer
David Bresch
Massimo Filippini
Volker Hofmann
Gabriela Hug
Reto Knutti
Anthony Patt
Gian-Kasper Plattner
Tobias Schmidt
Jürg Schweizer
Michael Stauffacher
Bjarne Steffen
Sonia Seneviratne
Philippe Thalmann
Niklaus Zimmermann
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